The View on Monday, 2/22

I hope you didn’t miss The View on Monday, 2/22 because they had Senator Evan Bayth of Indiana on for his FIRST and ONLY television appearance since announcing he is not running for re-election in 2019. First and foremost, it speaks volumes that he chose The View for his first appearance and the girls didn’t let me down.  They asked very tough questions and Elisabeth made some comparisons between the Senator and Sarah Palin which seemed to make everyone uncomfortable.  She seems to do that pretty well though!  I am a bit disappointed that Whoopie didn’t speak up a bit more since she is always talking about equal healthcare between those on Capitol Hill and us regular folks - come on Whoopie - make me proud next time!  Honestly, I was impressed with the hard questions, but was not impressed at all with the Senator. Although he says he is not running again so he can better serve as a private citizen, he really didn’t seem able to hold his own with these ladies.  Go get em girls!!

I just finished watching today, Tuesday, 2/23.  The guests today were the cast of Jersey Shore. I’ve watched the show (Jersey Shore) and although I found it comical and I also found it not worth my time. (Sorry for those that are fans!).  The ladies asked some good questions, especially Joy.  She asked about whether or not “The Situation” uses protection since there is so much sex on the show. haha!  I was happy to hear that he does!  Even though I don’t care for Jersey Shore, believe it or not, I found “The Situation” to be quite likable! 

Looking forward to tomorrows show and you will hear more from me then.

If you watched either day, please let me know what you thought about it.

“I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for ABC Daytime and will receive a tote bag or other The View branded items to facilitate my review.”

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