Top 5 Places to Find Coupons

The first step in becoming a Super Saver is to start grabbing every coupon you can find!  These days, there are so many ways to obtain coupons right at your fingertips:

  • Sunday Newspaper - This is going to be your best source for coupons. If you live in a large city, then you won’t have a problem finding a newspaper with a large circulation. But, if you live in a smaller city, you want to search out the newspaper that you are able to get your hands on, that has the largest circulation - they will most likely have all the inserts offered each week. 
  • Relatives and Friends - If you have relatives that get the paper, ask if they use the coupons - if not, get them to save them for you. Neighbors are also good to ask.  You would be surprised how many people throw them out each week.
  • Manufacturer sites - If you are a loyal fan of lets say, Pampers - then go to their website and see if they are offering any coupons.  If not, it sometimes works to email them a compliment about a product or pick up the phone, call them and let them know how much you like Pampers.  Most times, they will send you coupons on a regular basis.
  • Printable Coupon Sites - There are so many coupons to be had out on the internet, but you will find your best printable coupons at, Redplum and SmartSource. These are primarily the same coupons you get in the Sunday paper, but you get the advantage of being able to print them immediately. You can find more here
  • Clipping Services - There are quite a few companies out there that do nothing but clip coupons and sell them. You can usually purchase for a few cents and if they are good coupons, its well worth the money. One example of a clipping service is The Coupon Clippers
  • In Store Coupons - There are several types of in store coupons that can be had if you just keep your eyes open when at the grocery store.
    • Blinkies - Coupons that are pulled out of the blinking machines
    • Tearpads - Pads of coupons usually found on displays at the store
    • Winetags - Tags that hang from bottles of wine. They do not all require you purchase the wine to use the coupon
    • Peelies - Coupons stuck to the actual product. ** A lot of people go through the store and peel these without buying to product. I do not do that and actually, consider it cheating. There are enough coupons out there to go around!!

In a few days, I’ll have an article about Organizing and Storing your coupons - So stay tuned!!

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