Madworld Video Game for Wii $7.02

Madworld Video Game for Wii ONLY $7.02

Product Features

  • Exciting, visceral gameplay. Created exclusively for the Wii, MADWORLD features fast and instinctive arcade-style gameplay with brutal finishing moves delivered by the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
  • Massive playing field to explore. Varrigan City is divided into six completely unique areas. Anything in the environment - sign posts, garbage cans, passing trains, etc. ¿ can be used to attack enemies.
  • Over-the-top violence and irreverent content. Exaggerated characters, monstrous bosses and outrageous commentary add to the irreverent and humorous tone.
  • Unique graphic novel style. Black and white stylized graphics immerse players in an innovative world.
  • Multiplayer mini-games. Throughout each level players can polish their skills and punish their opponents in several fun, ultra violent, mini-games with friends.
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