Ultimate Band for Wii $8.65

Get Ultimate Band for the Wii for ONly $8.65!

Product Features

Platform: Nintendo Wii
  • Eight Imaginative and invocative venues, including ‘Jamhalla,’ ‘Aztec Palace,’ and ‘Dome Debut’ come to life during gameplay and react to how well players perform.
  • Take on - drums, lead guitar, bass guitar and a band front man - all with unique motion mechanics using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
  • Follow a unique narrative story mode or stand up and jam to any songs and venues they’ve already unlocked.
  • 30+ songs made famous by artists such as The White Stripes, The Who, The Jonas Brothers, Weezer and more.
  • Players can customize their bands by creating characters that look just like them, or by selecting from different character genres.
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