Top 10 Ways To Save Money on Car Insurance

Lets face it, car insurance is quite a hated bill to have to pay, but you HAVE to pay it or risk losing your license!

Here are 10 Tips to help you shave money off those dreaded insurance bills!

Bundle Insurance:

  • When you bundle your car and home insurance with the same insurer, you could possibly save up to 15% on both policies.

Safe Vehicle Discounts:

  • Ask your insurer if they offer discounts for safety features on your vehicle like air bags, anti lock brakes and car alarms. A lot of insurers offer discounts of up to 10%, but not unless you ask!

Senior Citizen and Good Student Discounts:

  • Students who maintain a ‘B’ average may qualify for a good student discount. If you are over 50, you may be qualified to receive a discount as well. Again, your current insurer may not offer these options, so ask!

Raise Your Deductible:

  • By increasing your deductible from $250 to $1,000 you could possibly save 40%!  That is huge!

Good Driver Discounts:

  • If you haven’t had a ticket or accident in 3-5 years, you are probably eligible for Good Driver Discounts. Most states are required by law to offer them, so make sure you ask your insurer

Drive Less, Pay Less

  • Ask your insurer about drive less or low annual mileage discounts. With the growing number of work from home employees, this could be an option to save big bucks.

Do you have Tickets or Accidents? You don’t need to overpay:

  • Make sure you REALLY compare rates.  Most companies have free quoters so you can see what options you have. Don’t assume that the rate your current insurer has is the best for your situation

Don’t Carry Unnecessary Coverage:

  • Do you have roadside assistance or towing offered as a credit card service or do you currently have AAA?  Chances are you are also paying these fees with your car insurance and it is needless coverage. Check your coverage carefully and don’t duplicate coverage.

Pay one Lump Sum instead of monthly or quarterly:

  • Most insurers offer discounts of 5% or more for paying annually. That can add up to $75 or more depending upon how many drivers are in the household

Last but not least, Compare Quotes!:

  • One survey showed that of those drivers that regularly compared quotes (about once a year), they saved an average of over $315 annually.  Don’t get lulled into thinking your insurer is giving you the best rate just because you’ve been with them a long time. Check out all your options

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One Response to “Top 10 Ways To Save Money on Car Insurance”
  1. save money says:

    Today every one tries to save money in any possible way. saving money is a very difficult job and it requires lot of commitments and plannings. Thanks for sharing the nice post.

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