Dannon Give Hope With Every Cup Blog Tour


Having a loved one that has suffered from Cancer make you even more aware of the need for cancer awareness and research.  This is true for myself and sadly, most of our population has had to deal with cancer in one way or the other.

As many of you know, October marks National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and many organizations and brands have developed efforts supporting this cause.  I love to see companies that brand their products or offer incentives to raise money for this worthy cause.

One company that does this is Dannon yogurts, with their Cups Of Hope campaign. Under each lid of their specially marked Cups OF Hope products is a code. All you have to do is pop over to their website  and enter the code that is underneath the lid.  For each one that is entered by November 30th, Dannon will donate 10 cents to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc!  Monies raised go toward providing mammograms and supporting breast Cancer research.

This is super simple for my family because yogurt is a staple in our home -everyone loves it and Dannon is our favorite!  Even if Dannon is not your favorite, consider purchasing it during these months so you can contribute to such a worthy cause. 

By contributing to this cause, Dannon not only helps raising money, but also increases awareness for a disease that affects women and families at a staggering rate - with more than 290,000 women diagnosed every year. Dannon pledges to donate at least $500,000 dollars to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation, but they hope to increase that donation to $1.5 million dollars this year.

Consider doing this for everyone in your life - mom, sister, or daughter because this disease can strike anyone!

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by  Mom Central on behalf of Dannon. In addition, I received a gift certificate and products to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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