Life As We Know It Movie Review

This past week, Mom Central gave me the opportunity to attend an advanced screening of the new movie “Life As We Know It” - let me just say that I more than enjoyed it!

The movie centers around two single adults, Holly (Katherine Heigl) and Messer (Josh Duhamel).  Their best friends are a married couple, but these two do not get along at all!  Katherine plays a serious up and coming caterer, while Josh is a network sports director that loves the ladies!  After a disastrous first date, the only thing they have in common is their dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter, Sophie.

When their friends are killed in a car accident, Holly & Messer find themselves the parents of their orphaned daughter Sophie.  They each have a difficult time learning how to juggle their careers and social calendars and are forced to find a common ground, put aside their dislike for each other and live under one roof to raise Sophie.

This movie is funny, witty and will also tug at your heart strings at some points.  You watch as these two people meet the challenges of raising a child together, while at the same time building a bond with each other.

While Katherine and Josh do a fantastic job as the lead characters, what stands out most to me was the supporting cast. Janine (Sarah Burns), the social worker that is overseeing the welfare of Sophie is absolutely hilarious!  I can’t believe I’ve never seen her in anything else.  Her one liners throughout the movie are priceless and I will definitely be looking out for her in other movies.  DeeDee (Melissa McCarthy), plays a nosy next door neighbor flawlessly.  Her understated barbs about her husband, are so sharp and funny - seeing her in this movie makes me want to see her new tv show, Mike & Molly.

Life as we Know It will be released on October 8th and you can see a trailer here.  Rated PG-13 for sexual material, language and some drug content.

I found myself laughing out loud through most of the movie and take it from someone who is fairly critical, I think you will really enjoy it as well!  If for no other reason, ladies should attend this movie to drool over Josh! :-)

“I attended a complimentary screening of this movie to facilitate my review and received a gift card from Mom Central as a thank you for my time.”

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