Share Your Milano Moment for Susan G Komen!

Here is your opportunity to join in the fight against cancer from Pepperidge Farm and Milano cookies!

Head over to Milano’s facebook page, click on the link that says “share now” (make sure you “like” Milano first!) and away you go! You also have to allow the app to your profile.

So, what exactly is a Milano Moment? If you have ever had these cookies, then you probably already know.  Milano cookies are such a sweet, yummy indulgence that once you eat one, you just can’t stop.  Your moment can be when you actually crave them or maybe a special time in your life that Milanos have been a part of.  My moment is when I finally have peace and quiet and I can sit down with a cup of coffee and a couple of cookies.  Simply marvelous! 

So click over to share your Milano Moment, which can simply be anytime where you have realized how sweet life really is, and Pepperidge Farms will donate $.50 to Susan G Komen for the Cure for every moment shared! They are pledging up to $50,000! 

After you leave your sweet moment post on the Milano Facebook Page, you can click on the “Coupon” tab for a Milano’s 55 cent off coupon!

Lets all jump on this band wagon, help each other and the fight against breast cancer!

Through posting this message I could possibly win a package of free Milano cookies or a $25 gift card thanks to One2One Network.

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