Camera Strap Buddy Review and Giveaway!

Camera Strap Buddy Review and Giveaway!

I had the opportunity to review a great new product - The Camera Strap Buddy.  If you have a camera enthusiast in your home, this would be a perfect stocking stuffer!

About The Camera Strap Buddy:

What it is:

Attachment point for a camera strap

What it does:

By attaching one side of a camera strap to the bottom of the camera the orientation rotates and the camera will now point downwards. This orientation lays the camera flat against the photographer’s side in a comfortable position. This position keeps the camera close and dramatically reduces bouncing or swinging of the camera. This in turn minimizes potential accidents from the camera banging or swinging in to something. The Camera Strap Buddy offers a simple method to improve comfort and control while carrying your camera.

Why its cool:

SLR cameras are Heavy, Bulky and uncomfortable to carry! The Camera Strap Buddy makes carrying your camera dramatically more comfortable and secure. For a small investment of MSRP $16.95 you can dramatically improve the comfort of carrying a larger camera. Your existing camera strap can be used with the product saving you time and money! The Camera Strap Buddy provides the most comfortable and secure method to carry your camera!

My Review:

I don’t personally own a large, bulky camera, but 2 of my daughters have them for photography classes in school.  So, I had them each try out the Camera Strap Buddy and give me their thoughts.  Both said it was super easy and quick to put on the camera and it wasn’t in the way at all - which was a concern to them.  They were able to access all the functions of their camera just as easily as before.

They also both stated that it does indeed keep the camera from bumping and swinging into things as they walk.  They also stated they liked the way the camera hung on their shoulder better and they didn’t have to constantly hold the camera down close to their hips.

All in all, I believe the Camera Strap Buddy was a huge success.  Now I just have to get another one so there isn’t a fight over the only one I have!

When you get a chance, hop over and join them on Facebook and Twitter!

How can you win one?

  • This entry is Mandatory:
    • Leave me a comment below and let me know, “Do you prefer digital cameras or the old style manual cameras?”
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    • Follow me on Networked Blogs
    • Blog about this giveaway and link back to this giveaway.
    • Follow Arredoecasa on Twitter and Tweet about my giveaway:   Camera Strap Buddy Giveaway! . Make sure you include the giveaway url in your Tweet.
    • Subscribe to my feed (upper right hand corner of website).
    • Follow Arredoecasa on Facebook .
    • Post my Giveaway in your Facebook status ; Camera Strap Buddy Giveaway
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Enter until December 4th @ 6 pm EST! Good luck!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.


10 Responses to “Camera Strap Buddy Review and Giveaway!”
  1. Sharon says:

    I have a Canon digital SLR and LOVE it! I also have a Canon manual SLR camera, but still prefer the digital.

  2. Sharonna M. says:

    I LOVE my digital camera!! I don’t have a digital SLR yet…hopefully for Christmas! :)

  3. Sharonna M. says:

    I’m a follower on Network Blogs. :)

  4. Sharonna M. says:

    I am an email subscriber! :)

  5. Sharonna M. says:

    I am a Facebook fan! :)

  6. Amber says:

    It’s definitely digital over here. Manual cameras are a pain!

  7. Julie L says:

    I like my digital camera better
    thanks for the giveaway

  8. Julie L says:

    like u on fb-Julie Scott Laws

  9. Julie L says:

    nb fan-Julie Scott Laws

  10. Julie L says:

    I am a email subscriber

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