Top 8 Tips for Maximizing Coupons and Deals

First let me say that I’ve heard SOOO many people say, “I don’t have time to use coupons” - my answer to that is, “You gotta be kidding?  You don’t have time for coupons, but you have plenty of time to throw away your money?”  Obviously, it just doesn’t gel with me - not using coupons is like throwing good money away!  Yes, it can be time consuming to gather and organize coupons, but how about doing it while you sit and watch TV at night?  Its pretty mindless work once you get the hang of it.  If you have time to devote to all the other “chores” we have to deal with that aren’t very rewarding - like washing dishes or clothes - then you have time to devote to something that is truly rewarding.  I’m telling you, once you do this coupon thing correctly, it is a RUSH!  Then you wonder - why haven’t I been doing this before?

Here are my best tips when using coupons:

  • Whether you are old or new to the couponing world, you should always have a rough idea of what your total should be after coupons and store discounts. If you don’t, you need to fix this immediately!  Never go into a store without having a list to work from. If you don’t have a list, then you are more apt to purchase items on the spur of the moment. Go in with your list, walk out with ONLY those items. Remember - grocery stores count on offering sale items JUST to get you in the store to buy other, non-sale items.  This list should have the below items on it. I know, its sounds like a lot, but the biggest part of using coupons is organizing.  If you organize well, you can save BIG bucks!
    • The item name (exactly)
    • The regular price
    • The sale price (this includes the loyalty discount)
    • The amount of your coupon (and I also include how many coupons I have for that item)
    • What the bottom line price should be for each item
  • Make sure the cashier runs your store courtesy cards!  Even if you hand it to them and you SEE them run it, it doesn’t always take in their systems. This ties in with the advice about knowing what your total should be.  I’ve had this happen a couple of times and although it was fixed quickly by management, it is a hassle - especially if you have already left the store before you realize the total wasn’t correct. Big piece of advice CHECK YOUR RECEIPTS BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE STORE to minimize hassles.
  • Know your stores coupon policy and I go as far to carry them with me - in case there is some dispute. I have quite a few coupon policies here on the site, but if there is one you are looking for, just let me know and I will find it!  An unbelievable amount of cashiers (and management) do not know their coupon policy.  If a cashier does not want to take your coupon, try one time to reason with them and tell them what their own coupon policy states.  Don’t argue with the cashier!  You have a choice at this point - You can either have them take the item off your order OR You can have them ring it up as-is, then go directly to the customer service counter to dispute it.  If customer service doesn’t help, ask for a manager.  If you still have no resolution - return all the items and get your money back!  If you are sure you are correct, immediately call the stores corporate offices for clarification/complaints.  Make sure you have taken note of the cashier, customer service and managers name.  In fact, I’ve asked for the managers business card to make sure I didn’t forget names.  Nine times out of ten, you will get a resolution by calling the corporate office - but only as a last resort.
  • Remember that grocery stores rarely mention ALL the sales in their circular or even advertise them at all. If you have some really good coupons for items that you buy often, your best bet is to either take your coupon binder in with you OR carry those coupons with you all time.  That way, you don’t miss unadvertised bargains.  I don’t like taking my binder with me everywhere, so what I usually do is create my lists for what I know is a good deal, then while in the store, I scope out the unadvertised sales for another trip. Now, I live within 1/2 mile of Food Lion, Lowes Foods, Bi-Lo and Harris Teeter, so making an extra trip is not a big for me. If you have to travel quite a ways to get your deals, I would definitely suggest having your binder with you!
  • Always keep a good eye on any expiring soon coupons.  If its nearing the end of the month and the opportunity to use them has not arisen, take a second look at those unadvertised specials!  Or, you can do what I do - I have an envelope that I labeled as Expiring this Month. In that envelope I keep only really good coupons or coupons for items I always buy.  That way, I can scope out the deals in whatever store I’m in and may just be lucky enough to find a great deal!
  • If you buy the weekly newspaper (and you should if you are looking to save serious money) make sure you look at each and every flier - not just the coupon inserts.  Some inserts like Parade Magazine, usually have some type of coupon in them. This past week my Parade had some great coupons for Prevacid - very worthy of finding a good deal to match them with.  Also, sometimes there are coupons in the store circulars delivered to your home that have extra coupons than the fliers in the stores.  Always look through them thoroughly!
  • While shopping, scan each and every aisle for blinkie coupons - the machines that spit out the coupons.  Even if you don’t plan to buy the item that day, grab a couple to use at a later date. Its always good practice to only take 2 and not clean out the machines!  Also be on the lookout for tearpads situated in stores.  They are the books of coupons where you tear them off.  Again, good practice is to only take a couple of them.  If you have a Food Lion near you, they are known for having lots of tearpads and blinkies throughout the store.  I shop sporatically there, only because they don’t double coupons and I can usually maximize my savings elsewhere.  BUT, I do run through their store about once a week looking for the blinkies and tearpads to use later.
  • If you need to stock up on meat, then you should speak with the meat department manager and ask what time their markdowns are usually complete. Some stores do it first thing in the morning, but some I get the best deals later in the day. I have spoken with every meat manager at every store in my locale, and they have all been more than willing to offer up the info.  In fact, there is one store that I frequent where I can call them and ask what the specials are before I even go AND they set it aside for me!  How it that for service?  Its all in the asking - all they can say is no!

Thats a few tips to get you started, but be looking for more great tips in the coming days!

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