New Cellfire e-Coupons and $100 Giftcard Giveaway!!!

Its a brand new month, so that means we have new coupons galore!  And we also have a great giveway for you (more about that later!)

The new Cellfire e-coupons that can be loaded onto your Dominicks or other Safeway store cards as well as Kroger and Shop Rite are:

$.50/2 Betty Crocker fruit snacks.

$.50/1 Nature Valley granola bars.

$.75/3 Hamburger Helper.

$.55/1 Multigrain Cheerios.

$.55/1 various Kix.

$1.00/1 Nature Valley granola nut clusters.

$1.00/1 Wheaties Fuel.

$1.00/1 Fiber One yogurt.

$.40/6 Yoplait  yogurt cups.

$.50/1 Chex Mix.

$.55/1 Lucky Charms.

$.55/1 Honey Nut cheerios.

$.75/2 Betty Crocker supreme brownie mixes.

$.50/1 40 oz + Bisquick.

$.50/1 Fiber One bars.

There are quite a few coupons that stand out to me, but I LOVE when I get coupons for Honey Nut Cheerios!  They are a healthy alternative to the sugary cereals and I don’t feel bad when my son eats 3 bowls - BEFORE he eats dinner!  I wonder where he puts it.  He is like 5’9″ and maybe 125 soaking wet - I can only dream to be like that…LOL!  My husband also likes to snack at night and a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios is SOOOO much better for him!

Ok, so I bet you want to know about the Giveaway, huh?!

What do you get?  Well, Cellfire is going to provide one of our super lucky readers with a $100 Giftcard to the Grocery Store of your choice!!!  Just think how that would help out your grocery budget.  This is a 30 day contest and will run until June 30th at 11:59 pm EST 

How do I enter??

  • Leave me a comment below and let me know, “What coupon above do you like and why?”
  • Blog about this giveaway and link back to this giveaway. Come back to leave a comment to let me know you’ve done so
  • Follow Arredoecasa on Twitter and Tweet about my giveaway; Make sure you include the giveaway url in your Tweet. Come back to leave a comment and leave the url of your Tweet
  • Subscribe to my feed (upper right hand corner of website). Come back to leave a comment and let me know you are following
  • Follow Arredoecasa on Facebook .  Come back to leave a comment and let me know your Facebook ID
  • Post my Giveaway in your Facebook status ;
  • Stumble this post then come back and leave a comment with your Stumble name.

The Winner will be announced on July 1st! Good luck!

What you need to know:

This giveaway is sponsored by Cellfire and they will be providing the $100 Giftcard for our lucky reader.  I will be entered to win a $25 giftcard of my choice along with other bloggers if my readers load 25% more e-coupons than you did in April.  I was not (and will not be) compensated in any way for my blog post


59 Responses to “New Cellfire e-Coupons and $100 Giftcard Giveaway!!!”
  1. AngieLilly says:

    I get your feed via google reader.

  2. AngieLilly says:

    I follow you via FB as Tofu Fairy.

  3. AngieLilly says:

    I stumbled this post as one4earth.

  4. Scott Lilly says:

    $.50/1 40 oz + Bisquick would be cool so I could make some pancakes this weekend!
    nynekats at aol dot com

  5. Scott Lilly says:

    follow and tweeted
    nynekats at aol dot com

  6. Scott Lilly says:

    subscribe w/emails
    nynekats at aol dot com

  7. Scott Lilly says:

    facebook fan Heath Cole
    nynekats at aol dot com


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