Bing: Our School Needs Blog Tour

Our County has faced some really horrible budget cuts in the last couple of years, and the cuts just keep getting worse.  We are facing the closing of about 20 schools next school year - this in a time of severe overcrowding.  My 16 yr olds are faced with going to their 3rd school in 3 years and this is during the most important time in their school careers.  Something just isn’t right with this, but unfortunately, our hands are tied most of the time.

Teachers are forced to pay out of pocket for supplies in their classrooms.  They are alloted 25 copies per quarter - that doesn’t even cover the students in one of their classes!  It is all very sad!

Since parents are forced to do what they can to help, Bing has a wonderful new contest that can help out your school!  It’s the Bing Our School Needs Contest and the dreams of 4 schools will come true. In their latest philanthropic campaign supporting kids’ education, Bing wants to help teachers and students by providing them with supplies and financial support needed to ensure a successful learning experience. Bing will potentially give away over $1 million dollars through their new “Our School Needs” program. This user-generated content competition easily enables students and teachers in elementary, middle and high schools to submit a request for what their school needs most by submitting a photo, essay or optional video.

The Grand Prize is $100,000 and three First Prizes are $50,000. Just think of what your childs school could do with that money!  New computers, printers, athletic fees, saving a music program - and the list goes on and on.  

The contest will have 3 categories:

  • Grades K-6
  • Grades 7-9
  • Grades 10-12

How to Enter?

Teachers and students can create an entry for their school by including a story of what their school needs with pictures and a video (optional). If students under 18 are entering, they will need a parent/guardian or teacher to submit their entry on their behalf.

Entries will be shown online and people will be able to rate them. The top 5 rated submissions in each category (15 in total) is guaranteed a slot in the final panel. Then on October 27, the voting begins!

When should students and teachers submit their entries? The answer is NOW until October 22, 2019 so don’t delay!

For more details on how to enter, please check out this video by Bing that explains the process.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Bing and received a giving code and gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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