Day 9: Holiday Giveaways! Super Baby Pack #2

9th Day of our Holiday Giveaways!


Super Baby Pack #2:

This great baby pack is perfect for anyone you know that has a baby!

  • Coleman Stearns Puddle Jumper Life Jacket
  • Reusable Bag
  • Munchkin Fresh Totes
  • MAM Bottle
  • Halo Sleep Sack
  • Smarter Laundry Dropps
  • Sprout Organic Baby Food
  • Bella B Tummy To Toes
  • Baby K’Tan Baby Hat


How do you Win it?

  • This entry is Mandatory:
    • Leave me a comment below and let me know, “Will you keep this or give it away?”
  • These are optional – come back and leave a separate comment for each one you complete
    • Follow me on Networked Blogs
    • Blog about this giveaway and link back to this giveaway
    • Post my Holiday Hoots Button on your site
    • Follow Arredoecasa on Twitter and Tweet about my giveaway: Super Baby Pack #2 Giveaway! . Make sure you include the giveaway url in your Tweet.
    • Subscribe to my feed (upper right hand corner of website).
    • Follow Arredoecasa on Facebook .
    • Post my Giveaway in your Facebook status ; Super Baby Pack #2 Giveaway!!
    • Stumble this post

Contest open for entries until December 11th @ 6 pm EST! Good luck!


27 Responses to “Day 9: Holiday Giveaways! Super Baby Pack #2”
  1. Robin Kampfer says:

    I will definately keep this package! I am now the primary babysitter for very little grandkids. I can use all the extras there are.

  2. Robin Kampfer says:

    I follow you on Networked Blogs

  3. Robin Kampfer says:

    I like you on Facebook
    @Robin Kampfer

  4. Danielle miller says:

    As asingle mommy of five I sure would love to havent this prize.

  5. Barbara R says:

    i will give it to my friend whos prego

  6. Lauren says:

    I would give part of it away and keep some for our baby!

  7. Lauren says:

    like you on fb

  8. Jake B says:

    id keep it 4 my niece

  9. Jake B says:

    i follow you on network blog

  10. Jake B says:

    i follow you on facebook Jake Bray

  11. Jake B says:

    i subscribe to your feed

  12. Amanda says:

    I would have to keep such a great prize!! Thanks for the great giveaway! Amanda
    strawberryshimmer (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. Randi says:

    I will keep most of this, but some of it I would share with a friend. Thanks!

  14. Kari Keller says:

    I would give this away


  15. Kari Keller says:

    I subscribe to your feed


  16. pamela james says:

    This will be a keeper! What a nice pack of baby goods!

  17. pamela james says:

    Email subscriber.

  18. pamela james says:

    FB fan! pamela james

  19. steph says:

    follow you on fb (Stephanie Christmann)

  20. steph says:

    I shared this giveaway on fb (Stephanie Christmann)

  21. Leah Walker says:

    Hubby and I are thinking of having another baby so I may keep it or I may give it to our tons of friends who are having babies right now. Not sure. Lol.


  22. Leah Walker says:

    I follow you on Networked Blogs.


    Leah W.

  23. Leah Walker says:

    I follow you on Twitter and tweeted this giveaway.


  24. Leah Walker says:

    Like you on FB.


    Leah W.

  25. Leah Walker says:

    I shared this on Facebook.!/lewalk76/posts/171420729556625

  26. Leah Walker says:

    I follow you on Stumble and am including the link to my favorites which you are on but I can’t figure out how to Stumble individual posts without the button being on the post. Sorry if this doesn’t count. I will understand if you delete it. I just got started on Stumble and am still figuring it out.



  27. Leah Walker says:

    Follow your blog via RSS feed with My Yahoo as lewalk76.

    Follow via email updates with email address lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com.

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