I Caught Santa Review & Giveaway!!

This is a super fun way to surprise your kids and show them the “proof” that Santa has been there! I Caught Santa is such a cute site and your kids will be so surprised to see Santa in their home!

The process literally only takes a few minutes:

  • You upload your picture
  • Choose your Santa pose
  • Resize him to fit in your photo
  • Click Process and you are done!

You will then receive a digital image that you can print or email.  Easy as can be! They also have the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Cupid.

There is even a video version that shows Santa moving around in the house - very cute!

I have a giveaway for 5 of my readers below, but if you don’t win, you can still receive 25% off (regularly $9.99) when using the code arredoecasa during checkout!

Visit iCaughtSanta.com and show your kids you caught Santa in the act of gift giving!

If you get a chance, check out I Caught Santa on Facebook or Twitter.

Be one of 5 Readers to win!

  • This entry is Mandatory:  Go over to iCaughtSanta.com (http://www.icaughtsanta.com/poses/) to choose your favorite Santa pose, then come back and tell us which one you like best
  • These are optional – come back and leave a separate comment for each one you complete
    • Follow me on Networked Blogs
    • Blog about this giveaway
    • Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about my giveaway
    • Subscribe to my feed (upper right hand corner of website).
    • Follow me on Facebook .
    • Post my Giveaway in your Facebook status ; I Caught Santa Giveaway!
    • Stumble this post

Contest open for entries until December 14th @ 6 pm EST! Good luck!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

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14 Responses to “I Caught Santa Review & Giveaway!!”
  1. Robin Kampfer says:

    I like #18 or #20. I would have to see which one would fit better with the tree.

  2. Robin Kampfer says:

    I follow you on Networked blogs

  3. Robin Kampfer says:

    I subscribe to your feed.

  4. Robin Kampfer says:

    I like you on Facebook

    @Robin Kampfer

  5. pamela james says:

    I like pose # 13 It shows his bag of goodies!

  6. pamela james says:

    I subscribe to your blog.

  7. pamela james says:

    I like you on facebook .pamela james

  8. Leah Walker says:

    I like pose #16 with Santa eating a cookie and holding a glass of milk.


  9. Leah Walker says:

    Net Blogs follower.


    Leah W.

  10. Leah Walker says:

    Like you on FB.


    Leah W.

  11. Leah Walker says:

    I follow you on Stumble and am including the link to my favorites which you are on but I can’t figure out how to Stumble individual posts without the button being on the post. Sorry if this doesn’t count. I will understand if you delete it. I just got started on Stumble and am still figuring it out.




  12. Leah Walker says:

    Follow you on twitter and tweeted.



  13. Leah Walker says:

    Shared on FB.


  14. Leah Walker says:

    Follow RSS feed with My Yahoo as lewalk76.

    Email follower with addy lewalk(at)hotmail(dot)com.

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