Sweet Pea the Bumblebee Book Review & Giveaway!

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I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of Sweet Pea The Bumble Bee to read and review.

About the Writers and Sweet Pea:

Sweet Pea is an adorable French Bull Dog who is the inspiration behind all the Sweet Pea books and a Star as well.  Sweet Pea came in the TOP Ten of French Bull Dogs competition of 2009!  Sweet Pea lives with her author/owners Gabriel and Tiffany Corbett in Laguna Beach, California.

The Book Sweet Pea the Bumble Bee, Beeing ExtraOrdinary is very inspirational for all ages. With wit and humor, the reader’s mind is charged with creativity and inspired to have a positive outlook on life. Readers’ will find Sweet pea very motivating. This book conveys many wonderful lessons in life, but most importantly to Bee Yourself.

**  This is the book I received to review and I have to say, it is a truly adorable book!  Every page has an inspirational message and reminds you to motivate yourself and be creative - regardless of your age.  I can’t wait to share this book with my friends children and I plan to buy a couple as gifts!

A Holiday “Tail” starring. . .Sweet Pea The Bumble Bee is a photo journal reminding us what the holidays are truly about. A dash of sweetness, sprinkle of humor, and topped with inspiration. This book rejuvenates your soul for the holiday season. Each page includes a feel-good message and a great photo.

What do you want to BeeCome? is a “Tail” starring Sweet Pea the Bumble Bee. Each page has a wonderful career along side an original photograph with Sweet pea dreaming about what she will become. With creative costumes the reader’s mind is inspired to dream big! No matter what you are, you often wonder what you will become. This book reminds us to use our God-Give Talents while dreaming big!

Each book is $14.95 or you can choose and autographed copy (from Sweet Pea!) for $19.99

If you get a chance, follow them on Twitter!

How would you like a book?

Win your own!

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Contest open for entries until December 13th @ 6 pm EST! Good luck!

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13 Responses to “Sweet Pea the Bumblebee Book Review & Giveaway!”
  1. Lauren says:

    like the Beeing ExtraOrdinary - Sweet Pee The Bumble Bee Book

  2. Lauren says:

    like you on fb

  3. Lauren says:


  4. pamela james says:

    What do you want to beecome book is so cute!

  5. pamela james says:

    Email subscriber.

  6. pamela james says:

    FB fan-pamela james

  7. Leah Walker says:

    The Spreading the Buzz of the Holiday Season would make an amazing CHRISTmas gift.


  8. Leah Walker says:

    Networked Blogs follower.


    Leah W.

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    Leah W.

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    I follow you on Stumble and am including the link to my favorites which you are on but I can’t figure out how to Stumble individual posts without the button being on the post. Sorry if this doesn’t count. I will understand if you delete it. I just got started on Stumble and am still figuring it out.




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    Follow your blog via RSS feed with My Yahoo as lewalk76.

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