Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up & Giveaway!

About Yoplait® Light’s New Two Week Tune Up

Fact Sheet

  • With Yoplait Light’s new Two Week Tune Up, you could lose five pounds in two weeks by replacing your breakfast and lunch with a Yoplait Light, a fruit and a grain.
  • The Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up is based on a recent study conducted at a leading university in the United States.
  • Yoplait Light’s Two Week Tune Up is a quick and easy way to help you feel your best before a big event such as a friend’s wedding, a big date, or a vacation.
  • The Two Week Tune Up plan includes replacing your breakfast and lunch with a Yoplait Light, a fruit and a grain.  To learn about the Two Week Tune Up, visit Yoplait.com for full diet details.
  • The Two Week Tune Up is designed to help individuals lose weight over a two week period by:
    • replacing  breakfast and lunch with a Yoplait Light, a grain & a fruit;
    • eating a diet rich in lean protein and non-fat dairy including a sensible dinner, beverages and snacks;
    • and walking 30-40 minutes daily.
  • At Yoplait.com, consumers have access to valuable new online tools and resources as part of the Two Week Tune Up, including a customizable two-week meal plan, healthy recipes and meal ideas, daily food and exercise trackers as well as diet, exercise and lifestyle tips.
  • Yoplait Light has partnered with lifestyle and fashion expert Jeannie Mai, host of the Style Network’s “How Do I look”, to further educate women on how to make small diet and fashion changes to help them look and feel their best.
  • Available in a wide variety of 33 flavors, Yoplait Light has zero grams of fat and is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Yoplait Light is available at major grocery stores nationwide for a suggested retail price of $0.79 per 6 oz cup.

  • Yoplait Light is made of milk from cows not treated with rBST.

The Yoplait Website is a great source to get you started on your way. You pick your motivation for wanting to tune up, select 14 of your favorite varieties of Yoplait light, and then get a meal plan.

Below is the first 2 days of the meal plan I created.  My meal plan is based on wanting to feel better and have more energy, not necessarily to lose weight.  There are plans you can create for your situation.

Visit Yoplait on Facebook to “Like” the brand, and get your free cup of Yoplait Original yogurt by pledging your commitment to consuming more of the calcium you need. Also, be sure to “Follow” Yoplait on Twitter to keep up with the latest news from Yoplait.

So, how about a Giveaway!!??

One Arredoecasa reader will win a Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up Prize Pack that includes:

A duffel bag, speed rope, water bottle and sport towel

  • This entry is Mandatory:  Leave a comment and let me know “What is your favorite flavor of Yoplait Yogurt?”
  • These are optional – come back and leave a separate comment for each one you complete
    • Follow me on Networked Blogs
    • Follow me on Facebook
    • Blog about this giveaway
    • Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about my giveaway
    • Subscribe to my feed (upper right hand corner of website).
    • Post my Giveaway in your Facebook status ; Yoplait Gift Pack Giveaway!
    • Stumble this post

Contest open for entries until January 24th @ 6 pm EST! Good luck!

I was provided a sample to review from Yoplait through My Blog Spark.  They also provided the giveaway (I received one as well). The views and opinions are my own and I was not compensated for this review.


17 Responses to “Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up & Giveaway!”
  1. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    My favorite is Yoplait Light White Chocolate Strawberry :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  2. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    I Like Arredoecasa on Facebook

  3. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    Blogged about the giveaway

  4. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    Following @arredoecasa on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway

  5. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    Subscribed to Arredoecasa in reader

  6. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    Shared the giveaway on Facebook

  7. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug} says:

    Stumbled the giveaway

  8. Jake B says:

    Strawberry Cheesecake is my favorite flavor

    [email protected]

  9. Jake B says:

    I follow you on network blogs

    [email protected]

  10. Jake B says:

    I follow you on facebook- Jake Bray

    [email protected]

  11. Jake B says:

    I subscribe to your feed

    [email protected]

  12. Jake B says:

    Posted on my facebook status http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=173681029340982&id=58207663

    [email protected]

  13. Jake B says:

    I follow on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/gc13182/status/26528703274029056

    [email protected]

  14. Christi says:

    My favorite flavor yogurt is vanilla

  15. Christi says:

    I am following on networked blogs

  16. Christi says:

    I am following you on twitter (masonsgalpal) and I tweeted - http://twitter.com/arredoecasa/status/25998540736036865

  17. Christi says:

    I subscribed to your email feed.

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