Birds + Bees + Kids - The Basics Review & Giveaway

Birds + Bees + Kids takes the sting out of talking to kids about sex, love, and relationships!

Do you want your kids to have the same sex talk you did?

If you rely on strangers and their peers to teach your kids about sexuality they lose out on learning from the person they most want and need to hear from - YOU! Worse yet, they don’t get the information you want them to have about your values and related topics like love and healthy relationships.

And when you are open to talking about sex, this can lead to talking about many other parts of their lives.

The birds and the bees can be tough to talk about, but with a little information, skills, some careful thought and planning, it’s possible to have comfortable and effective sex talks with your kids that don’t make either of you nuts!

These talks are key to raising safe, healthy, happy and well adjusted kids and I promise to help you all I can along the way.

This is a wonderful video and Amy Lang makes the sex talk feel so much easier.  She makes the conversation seem easy and seem-less!

You can take a look at it for free as well!

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Contest open for entries until January 25rd @ 6 pm EST! Good luck!

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